An insulated immersion suit
- (MED) 2014/90/EU – COMPLIANT – Life-Saving appliances requirements of Marine Equipment Directive
- (EU) 2020/1170 – COMPLIANT – Requirements and testing standards of Regulation
- SOLAS 6 hours – COMPLIANT – Immersion suits and anti-exposure
MAS III Solas immersion drysuit, this insulated abandonment neoprene suit provides 6 hours thermal protection against cold water shock and hypothermia upon immersion in water temperatures between 0°C and 2°C. A lifejacket must be worn over this immersion suit.
It complies with the International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations, which include SOLAS Immersion and Anti-Exposure Suits requirements listed in the International Life Saving Appliances (LSA) Code under Chapter III – Life-saving appliances and arrangements.
It provides sufficient thermal insulation so that the wearer’s core temperature does not fall more than 2°C within 6 hours of wear. In addition the immersion suit makes the user sufficiently conspicuous in the water so as to aid his recovery, and enables the user to swim in the water and independently board a rescue raft.
Unisex Sizing
S, M, L, XL