
Since 1958, Poseidon has been looking at diving equipment from new angles and finding new ways to solve old problems. They pride themselves on being different – improving but never copying. For more than 60 years that ambition has taken them from the first single hose regulator, the servo-assisted Jetstream and Xstream to the extraordinary Poseidon Se7en+ rebreather.

Being an innovative company, Poseidon’s high quality products are continuously evolving. The ingenious compatibility across their product lines has been purposely developed to allow new versions to reuse parts from previous versions in adapted ways, resulting in designs that last decades.

Therefore, it is paramount that Poseidon Service Technicians are kept informed of the latest guidelines, the functionalities and the correct service techniques for the Poseidon products they are servicing at the standards required by Poseidon Sweden. Ultimately, it is very important that customers and end-users are provided with the professional quality and up-to-date service and support that they expect from Poseidon.

Altalena understands the importance of having knowledgeable and suitably qualified technicians in the field to ensure the best possible ongoing after-sales support for these product lines. We are pleased to announce the following dates for our Poseidon Service Technician Training Program (see Form below).

Who Should Attend

The Training Program is for all certified Poseidon Service Technicians in Australia to renew their training currency, as well as other-brand-certified service technicians aiming to service Poseidon Sweden Diving Systems products.

The Training Program is divided into several segments to allow candidates to tailor their training to the requirements of the Authorised Service Centre they work for.

We also run on demand a dedicated Training Program for enthusiastic Poseidon regulator owners who want to look after their assets and have no previous Scuba Technician training experience. Get in touch now using the form below!

Training Program Details

The Training Program location will be tailored to the needs of the participants.

The Training Program dates may change based on the number of participants enrolled, and will be confirmed in a separate email.


Upon completion of the Poseidon Service Technician Training Program candidates will receive a technical achievement certificate documenting their successful completion of the Training Program, listing the Poseidon equipment they are qualified to service.

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Important Requirements

Safe work practices compel service technicians to update their service training.

The manufacturer requires service technicians to attend compulsory service training at least every 3 years to maintain currency.

If you intend to provide commercial services in the maintenance, repair or service of any Poseidon Sweden Diving Systems equipment, the manufacturer strictly requires you to have achieved successful certification as a result of completing a Poseidon Service Technician Training Program.

To actively conduct Authorised Service Work on any of the products distributed by Altalena it is a condition that the technician be employed by an Altalena Authorised Service Centre.

Training Program Pre-Registration Form

Once your pre-registration form has been filled in and submitted, Altalena will contact you with further information and enrolment options.

    The Training Program includes information on Poseidon Servicing-specific Tools, Product Safety Bulletin, Parts Ordering Guideline, Handling of Warranty Issues, as well as Poseidon Product General Information and access to online resources.

    First Name*:

    Last Name*:




    If you have a Service Technician Certificate (of any brand), please upload it here (jpg/jpeg or pdf format only, max 2MB):

    Additional Information:

    *I consent to Altalena's Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.

    Have a question about the Training Program?